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Incremental encoder for elevator speed control

which is a typically hollow-bore shaft, installed on the end of motor shaft.

So that it is a speed application, not a position application, in a lower cost for elevator speed control.

And it is also very important for a right installation, requested is at least 0.001mm, perfect installation can easily load the bearing to show a better performance.

by using a 40mm or 42-45mm large shaft with through hole, rotary encoder could be easily installed into the elevator speed control shaft.

with properly assembling,once the elevator speed control shaft rotate, the encoders can be turned at the same time to measure speed which is quite accurate.

Related HENGXIANG encoder model will be as following:

1.K76 Series

2.KC76 Series

3.K100 Series

4.KC100 Series

From above encoder model number,

K stands for Hollow shaft type,

C stands for hollow shaft hole with slot,with a 4*4mm slot inside the shaft, it will be much more tightly fixed than normal type.

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2015 © Shanghai Hengxiang Optical Electronics Co,ltd. all rights copyright Address:Building7,Lane 115,No.1276 Nanle Road,SongJiang,Shanghai,201600 Tel:021-54613487 备案号:沪ICP备12023089号  

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