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Encoder for wind power industry,intelligent solution for various environments

encoders worked on Pitch and yaw system 

Rotary encoders mainly designed for to wind power industry, they have an operating temperature range from -40 °C to 100 °C and are suitable for wind power industry on sea.

1. The pitch system relies on a high precision encoder to realize the speed and position feedback of the pitch motor, and by using a durable encoder to achieve accurate blade positioning directly at the toothless gear of the blade. The position feedback can be compared by the main controller, to expand the scope of diagnosis and more easily to meet safety requirements of the pitch system.

2. The rotary gear limit switch is using high precision optical encoders encoder. It is completed via the through-hole installed to the rotation limit switch. It is the perfect solution for accurate position feedback without backlash. In terms of integration system , a compact encoder with a reliable & compact 25 mm housing design is  a optimal solution.

The function of rotary encoders incorporates an integrated monitoring EMS (Enhanced Monitoring System) ,as an installation auxiliary measurement to indicate that the encoder's cable connection and interfaces are working properly. Rugged insulated bearings or durable hybrid bearings prevents bearings from being damaged by induced shaft currents. The thunder discharge path between the shaft and the housing prevents static electricity and thunder damage.     

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2015 © Shanghai Hengxiang Optical Electronics Co,ltd. all rights copyright Address:Building7,Lane 115,No.1276 Nanle Road,SongJiang,Shanghai,201600 Tel:021-54613487 备案号:沪ICP备12023089号  

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