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IP Enclosure Ratings & Standards in Rotary Encoder

IP rating is also known as Ingress Protection or International Protection ratings which are defined to the international standard of EN 60529 (British BS EN 60529:1992, European IEC 60509:1989).

These standards are used to define the levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures against intrusion from foreign bodies such as dirt and water.

The rating consists of the letters IP followed by 2 digits, the first digit stands for the level of protection that the enclosure provides against solid bodies,

the second digit describes the degree of protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against water.

Below is an easy to help you to decide which IP rating / IP Codes you may require for your electrical enclosure

IP Rating Reference Listing:

First digit: Solid particle protection

0---- None

1----- >50 mm

Any large surface of the body, such as the back of a hand, but no protection against deliberate contact with a body par)

2----- >12.5 mm

Fingers or similar objects

3 ---->2.5 mm

Tools, thick wires, etc.

4---- >1 mm

Most wires, slender screws, large ants etc.

5----Dust protected

Ingress of dust is not entirely prevented, but it must not enter in sufficient quantity to interfere with the satisfactory operation of the equipment.

6---- Dust tight

No ingress of dust; complete protection against contact (dust tight). A vacuum must be applied. Test duration of up to 8 hours based on air flow.

Second digit: Liquid ingress protection

0 ----None

1---- Dripping water

Dripping water (vertically falling drops) shall have no harmful effect on the specimen when mounted in an upright position onto a turntable and rotated at 1 RPM.

2 ----Dripping water when tilted at 15°

Vertically dripping water shall have no harmful effect when the enclosure is tilted at an angle of 15° from its normal position. A total of four positions are tested within two axes.

3.---- Spraying water

Water falling as a spray at any angle up to 60° from the vertical shall have no harmful effect, utilizing either: a) an oscillating fixture, or b) A spray nozzle with a counterbalanced shield.

Test a) is conducted for 5 minutes, then repeated with the specimen rotated horizontally by 90° for the second 5-minute test. Test b) is conducted (with shield in place) for 5 minutes minimum.

4 ----Splashing of water

Water splashing against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effect, utilizing either: a) an oscillating fixture, or b) A spray nozzle with no shield.

Test a) is conducted for 10 minutes. Test b) is conducted (without shield) for 5 minutes minimum.

5 ----Water jets

Water protected by a nozzle (6.3 mm) against enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects.

6---- Powerful water jets

Water protected in powerful jets (12.5 mm nozzle) against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects.

7 ----Immersion, up to 1 m depth

Ingress of water in harmful quantity shall not be possible when the enclosure is immersed in water under defined conditions of pressure and time (up to 1 m of submersion).

8---- Immersion 1 m or more depth

The equipment is suitable for continuous immersion in water under conditions which shall be specified by the manufacturer. However, with certain types of equipment,

it can mean that water can enter but only in such a manner that it produces no harmful effects. The test depth and duration is expected to be greater than the requirements for IPx7, and other environmental effects may be added, such as temperature cycling before immersion.

As you may concern, we HENGXIANG encoder factory have various version of IP40,IP50, IP65,IP66,IP67 to meet your requirements on dirt proof and water proof in different applications.

If you need more details, freely contact us at any time.

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